Rochester Areas
- Emerson
- Corn Hill
- Charlotte
- Browncroft
- 19th Ward
- South Wedge
- Beechwood
- Upper Monroe
- Cobbs Hill
- Swillburg
- Edgerton
- Lyell-Otis
- Group 14621
- Homestead Heights
- Atlantic-University
- Neighborhood of the Arts
- Pearl-Meigs-Monroe
- North Winton Village
- Marketview Heights
- Susan B. Anthony
- Jay-Orchard Street Area
- Cascade District
- St. Paul Quarter
- Genesee-Jefferson
- Plymouth-Exchange
- East Main-Meigs
- El Camino
- Upper Falls
- Brooks Landing
- Highland
- Grove Place
- Shadow Pines
- Chili Avenue
- Airport Area
- University-Atlantic
- Brown Square
- Culver-Winton
- Jefferson Avenue
- Central Business District
- East Avenue
- Northland-Lyceum
- Charles House
- Genesee Valley Park
- Duran Eastman Park
- South Marketview Heights
- Strong
- Susan B Anthony
- North Marketview Heights
- Mayor's Heights
- Cornhill
- North Clinton
- South Clinton
- Lower Falls
- City Centre
- North East
- Exchange
- Stonehurst
- Cornhill-Gallup
- Fairport
- Highland Boulevard​