Mon 06 Jan
BIG BERTHA: Brunette: Gigantic BOOB LOVERS: 818-456-7842: OUTCALL: 42-HH All Natural: Mature - 99
(San Fernando Valley)
▇█▓▒ ALL ▒▓█▇▅▂▅▇█▓▒YOU ▒▓█▇▅▂▅▇█▓▒ NEED ▒▓█▇▅▂▅▇█...
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills/Fountain Valley)
❤️❤️❤️80/100/150 Specials!! Fun and Sweet!! Southern Cutie!!!💋💋💋💋 - 32
(Burbank Valley Area Will Travel Anywhere, San Fernando Valley)
❤️❤️❤️Great Reviews! Real Pictures 80/30 mins 100/40 mins 150/1 hour Specials!💋💋💋💋💋 - 32
(Burbank Valley Area Will Travel Anywhere, San Fernando Valley)
Meet a Real Porn Star. Erotic Elegance at its Finest. - 33
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth)
TaKe a LooK ::: BuSTy BLoNde ::: KiLLeR Curves ::: ExoTic Babe w/ SKiLLs ::: 1OO SPeCiALs ::: - 22
(sherman Oaks incall/ out will travel)
*~*T_H_E*~* __KARDASHiAN _*~* AWard _W!NN!NG* _HighLY _DECORATED *~*_SeSSiON_*~* - 22
* Sexy Petite Snow Angel * Ready to Play n Please * 100% Me 100% Independant* - 28
(San Fernando Valley, ShermaOaks,Hollywood,Surrounding Cities)
👸PReTT¥FaCE👄 ____ ^👙👙CuRv¥ BoD¥ ^👠👠_____~~🌹EXOTiC _LonG_ LEAN_SLenDeR ___ 💋S₩EET AnD PeTiTe...
(San Fernando Valley, {{IN CALL}}-((OUT}}-{{TRAVEL AVAILABLE}})
——— *★*LIBERTY Wants to Party &Play;*★*——— - 28
(Beach cities & surrounding areas, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Westside)
Janella LuvMuse Visualize a Fantasy
(San Fernando Valley)
incall.. MiXed Gifted Gabby ------- Come see MY SKILLS at its BEST!!! ------OUTCALLS - - 24
(San Fernando Valley, WOODLAND HILLS- Studio- W.La In&OutCall;)
Exotic Fit Sexy Slender Hottie ♥ AVAILABLE NOW 5 fwy ♥ in/out - 22
(Valencia StevensonsRanch SantaClarita)
▒▓ EXoTic ░▒▓ T!GHT ░▒▓ 🔞 ░▒▓ 😍BUSTY▒▓ " 😻 😽" ░▒▓ Make her Purrrr 😻!!☎...
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth)
come and take a load off....your "mind" and enjoy the company of a very SEXY true BUSTY DD e - 30
(sherman oaks)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Petite Southern Cutie! I'm Just As Sweet As Sweet Iced Tea!💋💋💋💋 - 35
(Burbank, but will travel anywhere., San Fernando Valley)
(¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) K i l l e r °C u r v e s° D e l i c i o u s °B o o t y (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) $100 -...
(Los Angeles, Los Angeles IN/OUT CALLS)
*JUST TURNED 21*__* Sweet *__*BLONDE *__ *DAZZLING* __*LOng* __LEAn __*SLENDER*__ $TUNNING!* - 21
(San Fernando Valley, *--{IN CALL}-[OUT]-{TRAVEL AVAILABLE}--*)
Janella LuvMuse Visualize a Fantasy
(San Fernando Valley)
German Goddess with a hint of Creole - 25
(Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, San Fernando Valley)
•••► 8O••► CRaVn Me* 5.★ {PeRFeCt ChOiCe } .★. *UnRuShED ViX€N. Sw€€T TeMpTaTIoN*. { #1 PlAyMaTe...
4'11 and Amazing! Pretty mixed Petite Rose!! Outcalls SFV and surrounding areas 7149483725 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, granada hills northridge north hills)
Sun 05 Jan
IM READY when you are...... ;) - 27
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City, but will travel all of L.A)
very *** 5 star service.. ing latina ** do not miss out - 21
(north hollywood)
Vi$iTiNg:: {L♥vELy} ...[yUmMy!] 覧 FOrTuNe 覧 ((cOOkiE!!)) 葉TRy mE!
(♥ North Hollywood ♥)
Sweet as a peach and spicy as cinnamon - 22
(San Fernando Valley)
☀️☀️ SUMMER._ ENTERT🅰iNMENT__S🅿️ECi🅰LS. 💵💵__ * 👸🏻👙👑👄__ * EX🅾TIC._ 🅱E🅰UT...
(* IN. CALL * OUT *. TRAVEL. AVAILABLE*, San Fernando Valley)
Pretty and Petite, Loving and Mature Companion
(Long Beach, San Fernando Valley, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange County)
LookIng For ME! - 20
(Studio City)
Mex/Jap Sweet Treat - 28
(San Pedro)
*** _J_U_i_C_¥ *** _§_ W _ _ _ _ & *** _§ _ _X _¥ *** - 22
👔👞💼💰_HERE_ on 🅱U$INE$$_✈️✈️✈️JET LAGGED 😴💤💤__🙅😍👍 M🅰SS🅰GE *_ IN _¥our...
(San Fernando Valley, *~*IN CALL*~*OUT*~*TRAVEL AVAILABLE)
Happy Hour with a mature Boobshell! - 38
(Out call)
★★★★★ European Bombshell Visiting 100% The Real Deal °InCall ↘SpEcial ° Sylmar - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Sylmar / SFV)
♥ DREAM GIRL ____ ♥ BLONDE ____ ♥ BEAUTY ____ ♥ 100% INDEPENDENT - 19
(101 fwy Coldwater)
Dasha New Russian Beauty - 37
(Compton, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, SFV,LA,Hollywood,SM,Bev Hills, Westside)
*~*__BrO₩N_ SuGaR_*~*CoGNaC *~*_ALmOnd Jo¥_*~* _ChOcOLaTe_ HeNnEsS¥_ *`~*CURVACEOUS* - 21
(San Fernando Valley, *~*IN CALL*OUT*TRAVEL AVAILABLE TODA¥*~*)
4'11 and Amazing! Pretty mixed Petite Rose!! OUTCALL SFV and surrounding area 7149483725 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth canoga park west hills)
$60 Special!!!!! $60 Special!!!!! - 37
(San Fernando Valley)
40DDs NATURALLY BUSTY beaut ysweetheart xOxos lets enjoy eachother xoxos xoxos - 35
(San Fernando Valley, SFV)
40DDs NATURALLY BUSTY beauty sweetheart xOxos lets enjoy eachother xoxos xoxos - 35
(San Fernando Valley, SFV)
4'11 and Amazing! Pretty mixed Petite Rose!! UPSCALE INCALL WOODLAND HILLS OUTCAL SFV 7143103234 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, woodland hills Canoga park Chatsworth)
4'11 and Amazing! Pretty mixed Petite Spinner Rose!! Outcalls SFV and surrounding areas - 20
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks van nuys panorama city)
YOuR s e Y LiTtLE tHiCk D e L i C i O U s FreAk ! ! ! ! ! - 22
YoUr #1 pErSoNaL PLeAsUrE PrOviDeR iN Up$c@LE c@LL$ OuTcALLs 24/7 AvaiLable Now.. - 22
(Sherman Oaks/ N. Hollywood IN's & OUT's)
XXXpLoSiVe ~*~ WeT'n WiLD ~*Sexy~ NAUGHTY BrunetTe HOTTIE!!! ~*~ WaNNa PLaY ? ? Morning SpeciAls!! - 22
(n.hollywood incall specials)
Totally hot sexy the best pleasure u can know tyler james - 30
~TiReD OF FLaKeS & FaKeS ??? (PeRKY 36F's) TaLL eXoTiC GoDDeSS ~ It's Me Or It's Free ~ LAST 2 Days - 23
(Studio City Incall)
Thursday hot soft juicy latina princess waiting for you!! 80$$$outcall$$ special going down!!!! - 25
(Los Angeles, outcalls only in los Angeles)
Mature Beautiful Blond Hollywood in/out - 49
(San Fernando Valley, Hollywood off 101/yours)
Mature Adorable,sexy 100% GFE and real! - 38
(Out call)
Love Yourself .... Treat Yourself .... - 19
(San Fernando Valley)
💜 💯 💜 💯😘 Just for u 60/80/120! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/North Hollywood/Burbank)
(¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) K i l l e r °C u r v e s° D e l i c i o u s °B o o t y (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) $100 -...
(Los Angeles, Los Angeles IN/OUT CALLS)
♥ DREAM GIRL ____ ♥ BLONDE ____ ♥ BEAUTY ____ ♥ 100% INDEPENDENT - 19
(101 fwy Coldwater)
*EST TABLISH ED*__* *Heat HER Pink!*__*ADULT *__ *#1_RATED* __*STar* __LEAn __*SLENDER*__ $UPERBAD* - 22
💜C 💯 💜C 💯 Treats 😘 60/100/140! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys/North Hills/Sherman Oaks)
All Natural SMOKING HOT BRUNETTE Adult Starlette Girl Next Door - 25
(Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, STUDIO CITY /incall ONLY weho BH sfv)
Super ( o )( o )BUSTY( o )( o ) Babe Ready 2 Relax YOU!!!
(Sherman Oaks)
~ Super sexy blonde Armenian / filipina "LAST DAY"special all exclusive no limitations 200 roses~ - 21
☀️☀️ SUMMER._ ENTERT🅰iNMENT__S🅿️ECi🅰LS. 💵💵__ * 👸🏻👙👑👄__ * EX🅾TIC._ 🅱E🅰UT...
(* IN. CALL * OUT *. TRAVEL. AVAILABLE*, San Fernando Valley)
Smokin HOT ! Busty, Blonde, German Born Bombshell ! Awesome Reviews & A Killer Rack ! - 39
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City or Out To You 310.484.6586)
°·°Sp¡Cy Early M0@N¡ng Tr£@T °·°`·° However ¥0u WanT »»» LeTss Pla¥ ««« - 21
(San Fernando Valley, CanogaPrk/WoodlandHills/Chatsworth)
SEXY SWEET BRUNETTE Incall or Outcall Valley Hollywood *TRUE PLEASER* - 31
(SFV/Hollywood/Beverly Hills)
SEXY sWEEeeT bRUNETTE! Outcall Specials 24/7 - 31
(SFV/Hollywood/Beverly Hills)
---------SFV ! --------- ,, LOok At Me! Mixed Creole booty --------- ! LA---------- - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills,Reseda, N.ho W.LA in/out)
Sexy Is what Sexy Does*Cum Open 4 Late Nite*Mature Cougar Vixen 24/7 - 40
(Travel to SFV-WLA-LAX-LB-Hollywood)
~~~SEXy fUN EXCIting~~~~ - 35
(SFV/Hollywood/Beverly Hills)
Busty Beauty
(All San Diego)
~ Brunette Perfection ~*~ 1OO incall ~*~ Perfectly Curvy & Busty Hottie ~*~ 1OO incall~*~ - 26
(incall $1OO special)
~ Brunette Perfection ~*~ 1oo s p e c i a L ~*~ Perfectly Curvy & Busty Hottie ~*~ 1oo i n c a L L - 26
(incall $1OO special)
*(¯`'.¸* _(¯`' .¸* BEST SPECIALS !! ¸.'´¯)_ *¸.'´¯)* - 19
(San Fernando Valley)
💕💕💕Tall Exotic black girl💕💕💕 - 25
(Hollywood, La surrounding 🚗💨💨, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Westside)
Looking For Benefactor with CLASS - 22
(Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley)
:) Jade southern bell , with sweet hospitality to give . . LAST DAY 2 CALL :) new # - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Travel)
Sexy Busty Latina OUTCALL ONLY - 30
(San Fernando Valley)
sexy, beyond belief,HOTmilf has a way for some "stress " rel*ef ready and waiting only anticipating - 30
♛•N3W PIX•^~•♥•~^~ IM BACk ~^~Addictive ~^~ £x0TiC ~^~ Young Playmate ~^~•♥•~^ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, WoodlandHills/CanogaPrk/405/101/VanNuys)
__________ MODEL ___________ PERFECT 10 ___________ EYECANDY _________ PURRFECTION ________ - 22
(Incall N.Hollywood / Outcall)
💗💗 Fantasy Pocahontas 💗💗 Upscale Private & Discreet. - 21
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills, Encino, Studio City, Can)
Looking for a boyfriend - 52
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills, Ca)
Jade Banls NEW to town wanna playy - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Burbank Shermanway incalls)
((( Visiting Student ))) _____ Filipino and Creole Blend _____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, In-Out)
Upscale BARBIE *Special*Suite Jacuzzi Dance* Dominican BEAUTY - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incall& travel To you (All Areas))
TyLeR TyMe to to treat yourself to a saturday you will never forget w/a ho tn sexy busty - 30
(San Fernando Valley)
🌴🌺 Sexy Freckled Redhead Ready to Play-Upscale Incall by Lax🌺🌴 - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Westchester village (by Lax))
sexy, beyond belief,tyler has a way for some "stress " rel*ef ready and waiting only anticipating - 30
(canoga park/.reeseda)
*~*_LOvELY_*~*2 _GIRL _$PeciaL$__*~* 2_GIRL _$peciaL$ _*~* _2_GIRL _$PeciaL$*~*_2 _GiRL_$pecial !*~* - 22
Hey hot sexy milf TYLER coming today about 5pm c u there - 30
(SFV? POut anywhere)
freaks gesss who specials Qween !?! Diomend seeking Truckers noo flakes!🚘🚚🚛🚘🎱🎱💝 - 25
(City of Long Beach, dimaind here she comes call travel, Long Beach)
*E_X_O_T_I_C*_ _*E_B_O_N_Y*__ *C_U_R_V_Y*__ *B_E_A_U_T_Y* - 21